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ALDER AVENUE SUBDIVISION (PLN2014-00262): 4325 Alder Ave.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen

City Council approved development on 1/13/15

Planning Commission recommended approval at December 11th hearing

Planning Commission Agenda

Environmental Review Initial Study


Alder Location Map

The Alder Avenue Subdivision development proposed by Terreno Ventures Group is located at 4325 Alder Ave. west of Fremont Blvd. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.

This is the former Rosa-Giambruno property that had two houses and two historic adobe outbuildings. This section of Alder was once called Sack City.

  • 17 single-family units will be built on 1.54 acres.
  • There will be 3 larger houses, 12 medium houses and 2 smaller units in a duet building.
  • The houses will be 2-stories and have either side-by-side or tandem garages.
  • The existing houses and outbuildings have already been removed.
  • All of the trees and shrubs will be removed including a 32-foot Coast Redwood.
  • Some lots will be very small (<2000 sq. ft.) because two units will be below market rate for purchase by very-low income households.
  • About 0.1 acres is part of a property behind 4325 Alder Ave. on Torres Ave.
  • Previously ALDER PRP PLN2014-00088

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen

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