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FREMONT BANK RESIDENCES (PLN2021-00179): 39176 Fremont Blvd

Application's City Staff Team Lead: David Wage

City Council Approved March 2nd

Discretionary Design Review to propose major modifications to PLN2019-00170 to add a six-floor to Buildings A,B,C,D,&E and maintain a six-story parking garage to accommodate 240 market rate units and 6,296 SF ground floor commercial space.

  • 240 market-rate units plus 6,296 sq. ft. of commercial space in a Mixed-Use project on 2.2 acres
  • Five 6-story buildings and a 6-level parking structure

  • BAY ROCK FREMONT APARTMENTS (PLN2019-00170): 39150 Fremont Blvd

    Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage

    City Council Approved December 17, 2019

    Planning Commission Approved Per SB35 October 24, 2019
    Shared Parking Condition Withdrawn
    9/26/19 Meeting Agenda

    Zoning Administrator Approved August 5, 2019
    Added Condition of Approval that 19 ground-level garage spaces be shared with Gaslight Square.
    Fremont Bank had paid to reserve all 65 ground-level spaces for its proposed commercial building next door.
    8/5/19 Meeting Agenda


    This is the Fremont Bank property located near the intersection of Fremont Blvd. and Capitol Ave. in the Central Community Plan Area.

  • 248 market-rate apartments plus 5,625 sq. ft. of commercial space in a Mixed-Use project on 2.2 acres
  • Four 5-story buildings -- two with ground-floor commercial below residential facing Capitol Ave.
  • 255 parking spaces in a 6-level parking structure - 243 residential and 12 commercial
  • No side setbacks except between parking structure and shared easement with existing Gaslight Square restaurants
  • Access will be off Fremont Blvd. and the new Memorial St. (part of State Street project)
  • Resident amenities on the roof
  • All existing structures would be demolished
  • This is a BayRock Multifamily project
  • A separate project plans for a new 6-story bank building on the corner of Fremont Blvd. and Capitol Ave. (PLN2019-00220)
  • Previously FREMONT APARTMENTS PRP (PRP2019-00001)

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage

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