BRINGHURST RESIDENTIAL (PLN2013-00103): 42425 Mission Blvd.
Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen
City Council approved development on 05/20/14
City Council May 20th Agenda
Planning Commission recommended approval April 24th
April 24th Planning Commission Agenda
Approved by H.A.R.B. on April 3rd
Environmental Review documents [4.7MB] have been posted.
Development Plan
The Bringhurst Residential development proposed by Robson Homes is located at 42425 Mission Blvd. just north-west of I-680. It is in the Mission San Jose Community Plan Area.
The two old houses were built by George Olive Darrow some time after he bought the property in 1919. The main house will be moved forward and restored.
This was Judge E. Quaresma's home between 1950 and 1998. Mission Creek runs through the south-east border.
Quaresma House
A few neighbors attended a Community Courtesy Meeting held by Robson in the Summer of 2012. They were shown a plan with 24 houses.
The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen