Centerville Condos (PLN2016-00064): 36800 Fremont Blvd.
Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage
July 2018 Replaced by Fremont Lofts (PRP2018-00002)
4/20/2016 Status Inactive
Location Map
No City Council Review Necessary:
This application is not a Planned District and will conform to the current zoning.
The Planning Commission is the approving body.
Only if the Planning Commission decision is appealed would it go before the City Council. See
Approval Body section of the Process page.
The Centerville Condos development proposed Centerville Developers LLC is located at 36800 Fremont Blvd.
It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.
This is a vacant 1922 house on Fremont Blvd. between Alder Ave. and Thornton Ave. The property lies in the Centerville Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay.
Previously CENTERVILLE CONDOS PRP (PLN2015-00239)
The public may view the development plans by contacting the
Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage