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3498 to 3590 Peralta Blvd. plus 3654 & 3678 Parish Ave.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

City Council approved development on 09/13/16

City Council Agenda

Planning Commission Recommended Approval July 28th

Planning Commission Agenda

Site Plan

Goold House
Goold House - 3498 Peralta Boulevard

Determined not to be eligible for listing
in the California Register of Historical Resources

6/23/16: The re-evaluator of the historical significance of the Goold House has revised his report upon realizing that there was a major addition along the side of the house in 2003. The new conclusion says that the Goold House is indeed significant because of 'Pop' Goold, but has lost its historical integrity because of the recent modification. The house is now not considered eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, and the Centerville Junction development application will proceed as before.

Environmental Review Initial Study


The Centerville Junction development proposed by Nuvera Homes is located at 3590 to 3498 Peralta Blvd plus 3654 & 3678 Parish Ave. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.

This is on the south side of Peralta Blvd. between Parish Ave. and Sequoia Rd. The nine contiguous parcels lie in the Centerville Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay. Location Map Parcels Map

A total of 10 small old homes would be removed. A small commercial center opposite Sequoia Rd. would also be torn down.

  • 52 townhouses in twelve 3-story buildings on 2.65 acres
  • 23 townhouses will line Peralta only six feet from the sidewalk contrasting with Sequoia Crossings across the street
  • Each townhouse will have a side-by-side or tandem (end-to-end) 2-car garage
  • 26 guest parking spaces will be onsite
  • Access will be off both Peralta Blvd. and Parish Ave.
  • There will be no connection to Chauntry Common
  • A mix of two, three and four bedrooms per unit
  • A historic evaluation determined the old homes were not historically significant ***
  • Only two of the 37 trees on the properties will be retained
  • Requires a General Plan Amendment for four of the parcels from General Commercial to Medium Density Residential
  • *** See the Shape Our Fremont article in the Tri-City Voice Character Gone Forever

    Previously PERALTA BLVD TOWNHOMES PRP (PLN2015-00176)

    The public may view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

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