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CENTRAL CHEVROLET SITE (PLN2013-00068): 4949 Thornton Avenue

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Scott Ruhland

City Council denied application 2/5/13

Central Chevrolet Site to Remain Commercial -- For Now

On February 5, the Fremont City Council upheld the Planning Commission recommendation to keep the former Central Chevrolet site on Thornton Avenue zoned commercial.

  • The decision was in response to Summerhill Homes request to change the zoning to residential and build 77 single-family homes on the 9.6 acre site.
  • It was stated that no commercial developers had shown interest in the site. To emphasize that point, the Real Estate Department of the Northern California Division of Safeway left copies of a letter confirming the grocery chain "...has zero interest in the property..."
  • Despite those statements, the council felt the property is still a good place for business because it is on a main street with direct access to Interstate 880. They also noted that once the property was converted to residential, any possibility of other uses would be lost.
  • The council agreed to review the zoning again in 12 to 18 months. In the meantime, they directed city staff to work with the developer to make the property attractive to businesses.

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