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DIAS RESIDENTIAL (PLN2014-00195): 42232 Mission Blvd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Bill Roth


City Council approved development on 03/03/15

The Fremont City Council approved this project 4 to 1 with a recommendation that the developer continue to work with neighbors across Mission Blvd. concerning noise reflection off the sound wall being installed along the development frontage.

March 3rd City Council Agenda
with links to documents

Planning Commission recommended approval

Feb. 12th Planning Commission Agenda

H.A.R.B. recommended approval with the condition that the new house proposed on
Lot 3 (adjacent to the Dias House, to the north on Mission Blvd) have a hip roof on the elevation facing Mission Blvd.

Staff Report to H.A.R.B.

Environmental Review Initial Study

Planned District Layout
[10/31/14 revision]

Development Conceptual Drawing

Location Map

The Dias Residential development proposed by Robson Homes is located at 42232 Mission Blvd. north-west of 680. It is in the Mission San Jose Community Plan Area.

  • 20 new 2-story houses on the lower 4.5 acres of the 10.3 acre lot
  • The historic Manuel Dias lightweight pumice cinder block house which is "register-eligible" will remain
  • 3-car attached or detached garages, plus on-street parking along a new interior public street
  • Four or five bedrooms — some with four bedrooms plus a studio above detached garage
  • Currently zoned as Open Space with an Agricultural Contract
  • To be rezoned to Low Density Residential below the Toe of the Hill and to Open Space-Hill Face above the Toe of the Hill
  • There will be a new public street which may later connect to a newly proposed Robson Homes Hobbs Residential development
  • Previously DIAS RESIDENTIAL PRP PLN2013-00256

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Bill Roth

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