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34840 & 34826 Fremont Blvd and 3893 Decoto Road

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

City Council approved development on 05/20/14

The Fremont City Council unanimously approved this project with the requirements that the applicant alter the architecture for some units and take other steps to address the concerns expressed by several of the homeowners in the adjacent neighborhood.

City Council May 20th Agenda

Planning Commission recommended approval April 24th

April 24th Planning Commission Agenda

Approved by H.A.R.B. on April 3rd

H.A.R.B. Review Document
-- Includes links to Initial Study and Site Plans --

Machado House 3893 Decoto
34840 Fremont Blvd              3893 Decoto Rd

The Fremont/Decoto Townhomes development proposed by TriPointe Homes is located on three properties - 34826 & 34840 Fremont Blvd and 3893 Decoto Road - It is in the North Fremont Community Plan Area.

  • There will be 38 townhouses plus one single-family house on 2.03 acres.
  • There will be ten 3-story buildings. There will be two, three and four-bedroom townhouses.
  • The existing Machado House at 34840 Fremont Blvd. would be preserved but its lot would be reduced in size and provided with enhanced landscaping along the front, left, and rear sides of the property.
  • The dwelling at 3893 Decoto Road would be demolished.
  • 34826 Fremont Blvd. is a vacant lot.
  • The subdivision would be accessed via a new private street leading from Fremont Blvd. into the property, off of which five private courts would extend and provide access to the garages of each unit.
  • Westgate Ventures is the developer's agent.


    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

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