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LAGUNA COMMONS (PLN2013-00132): 41152 Fremont Blvd.

The Fremont City Council unanimously approved this project on 05/20/14, citing an unfilled need to provide affordable housing for very low and extremely low individuals and families as taking precedence over concerns about the height, architecture, and impact on surrounding businesses.

City Council May 20th Agenda

Planning Commission could not recommend approval at the April 24th hearing.

April 24th Planning Commission Agenda

Old Planning Commission Agenda with documents.


Laguna Commons Laguna Commons

Project Plans

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

The Laguna Commons development proposed by Laguna Commons Associates is located on two properties - 41126 & 41152 Fremont Blvd. It is in the Irvington Community Plan Area.

Laguna Commons Associates is a joint venture of Allied Housing and MidPen Housing Corporation.

  • 64 affordable supportive housing rental units will be built on 1.5 acres.
  • There will be a single U-shaped building whose open side will face the south.
  • It will be 4 stories with a one-foot setback from the sidewalk.
  • The building will include 20 studio, 21 one-bedroom, 12 two-bedroom and 11 three-bedroom units.
  • There will be 64 parking spaces on the south and east sides of the building.
  • This will require a General Plan Land Use Designation amendment from Commercial/Mixed-Use to Urban Density Residential.
  • Allied Housing also developed Rotary Bridgeway Apartments and Main Street Village in the Irvington district.

    There was a Community Courtesy meeting on July 17th.

    On 9/18/2012, the City Council approved a $2,946,933 loan to Laguna Commons Associates for acquisition of 1.45 Acres at 41126 and 41152 Fremont Boulevard and 41223 Roberts Avenue. The Roberts Ave. property was subsequently sold to another developer.

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

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