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OSGOOD RESIDENCES (PLN2015-00034): 42111 & 42183 Osgood Rd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong

Planning Commission approved development on 5/28/15



Planning Commission Agenda

No City Council Review Necessary: This application is not a Planned District and will conform to the current zoning. The Planning Commission is the approving body. Only if the Planning Commission decision is appealed would it go before the City Council. See Approval Body section of the Process page.

Osgood Residences Plans

Old Environmental Review Initial Study

The Osgood Residences development proposed by SiliconSage Builders is located at 42111 & 42183 Osgood Rd. It is in the Irvington Community Plan Area.

This is close to where Osgood Rd. becomes Driscoll Rd. near the proposed Irvington BART station.

  • 93 condominiums in a 5-story building on 1.6 acres
  • A garage for the residents is on the ground level
  • A mechanical parking system with five lift units, each accommodating between 24 and 29 vehicles, would stack cars in two tiers
  • Access to and through the garage is a private street off Osgood Rd. with a right-in entrance and a right-out exit
  • This is on the railroad and BART side of Osgood
  • This is within the Irvington Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay
  • Several existing trees including a redwood will remain
  • Previously OSGOOD RESIDENCES PRP PLN2014-00060

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong

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