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PEPPER TREE RESIDENCES (PLN2015-00122): 4186 Central Ave.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong


City Council approved development on 5/19/15

Planning Commission recommended approval at April 23rd hearing

Planning Commission Agenda

The Pepper Tree Residences development proposed by Grupe Company is located at 4186 Central Ave. at Joseph St. close to Fremont Blvd. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.

Pepper Tree Residences is an "In-fill Development Project" as defined in CEQA Categorical Exemptions. See explanation on Process page.

  • 14 condominiums - 10 townhouse-style and 4 stacked-flats - on 0.69 acres
  • Four 3-story buildings with 2 to 4 units in each building
  • Two or three bedrooms – some plans show an optional fourth bedroom on the first floor
  • Each unit will have a side-by-side or tandem 2-car garage, plus 7 on-site and 3 on-street guest parking spaces
  • Previously PEPPER TREE DEVELOPMENT PRP PLN2014-00339

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong

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