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PERALTA CROSSING (PLN2014-00297): 4133-4167 Peralta Blvd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski


City Council approved development on 06/16/15

City Council Agenda

Planning Commission recommended approval May 28th

Planning Commission Agenda

New Peralta Crossing Plans

Peralta Crossing Location

Environmental Review Initial Study

The Peralta Crossing development proposed by City Ventures is located at 4133 & 4167 Peralta Blvd. at the corner of Maple St. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.

  • 43 townhouse-style condominiums on 1.87 acres
  • Ten 3-story buildings with 4 to 7 units in each building
  • This is within the Centerville Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay
  • This will require a General Plan Land Use Designation amendment from Commercial/General to Medium Density Residential
  • Access will be off both Peralta Blvd. and Maple St.
  • The old commercial building will be removed
  • Previously PERALTA CROSSING PRP PLN2014-00073

    The public may view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

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