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Application's City Staff Project Planner: Joel Pullen

SiliconSage Builders has filed for bankruptcy

City Council approved Applicant Preferred project:
Demolition of Fire Station, 93 Apartments and 72 Townhouses

City Council Agenda

The Silicon Sage Centerville Mixed-Use Project consists of 14 parcels along Fremont Blvd. between Parish Ave. and Peralta Blvd. in the Centerville Community Plan Area. This is within the Centerville Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay and the Centerville Town Center.

  • Apartments in mixed-use frontage building plus 72 townhouses on 4.8 acres
  • Applicant Preferred Project: 93 apartments plus 26,000 sq. ft. of retail space - demolition of old fire station
  • Reduced Massing per HARB: 81 apartments plus 25,000 sq. ft. of retail space - renovation of old fire station
  • The 3-story mixed-use buildings would front on Fremont Blvd. with a 4-story section facing Peralta Blvd.
  • The 3-story townhouses would be behind off Jason Way.
  • The rest of the city-owned fire station parcel (37) would be part of the overall project
  • Parking would be in an underground garage and in the townhouses
  • Planning Commission recommended Applicant Preferred project:
    Demolition of Fire Station, 93 Apartments and 72 Townhouses


    HARB recommended that the City retain the Old Centerville Fire Station rather than allow its demolition.
    They also recommended that the massing of the proposed buildings adjacent to the fire station be reduced.
    See full plans on HARB Agenda

    Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been posted online. The EIR files can be found on the Environmental Review page.

    On October 3, 2017, the City Council chose Alternative A from three scenerios regarding disposition of the old fire house and two parcels.
    "A) Silicon Sage would rehabilitate the old Fire Station, including completing tenant improvements enabling the building to be repurposed for a public use such as a recreational programming facility. The City would retain ownership and manage the new use. In exchange, the City would agree to sell the Rose Court parcel and the remainder of the Parcel 1 land behind the old Fire Station to Silicon Sage to be incorporated into its development project. Silicon Sage would also provide parking for the repurposed building as part of its new development. This scenario also allows the City to consider sale of the rehabilitated building at a later date should it decide it does not wish to retain ownership for a public purpose."

    72 Townhouses Behind Fremont Blvd. Commercial Front

    Site Plan


    Previously SILICON-SAGE MIXED-USE PRP (PLN2016-00316)

    The public may view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Joel Pullen

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