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STATE ST MIXED USE PROJECT (PLN2015-00032): 39155 State St.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen

City Council approved development on 11/4/2014
Planning Commission recommended approval 10/9/2014

October 9th Planning Commission Agenda


The State Street Mixed Use Project development proposed by TMG/Regis Home Bay Area is located at 39155 State St. It is in the Central Community Plan Area and is part of the Downtown Plan.

  • 103 condominiums, 42 flats and 21,770 sq. ft. of commercial space will be built on two city-owned parcels totaling 4.05 acres.
  • There will be two large 5-level mixed-use buildings and 11 residential "rowhouse" buildings.
  • The two mixed-use buildings will have retail units facing the new extension of Capitol.
  • The residential part of the mixed-use buildings will be a layered mixture of 3-story condominiums and 1-story flats.
  • Residential parking will be in the underground garage and on the ground floor level of the mixed-use buildings.
  • Public retail parking will mainly be street parking with some additional parking in the garage.
  • The residential "rowhouse" buildings will have two-car garages.
  • Some of the property will be used for the new extension of Capitol.
  • Previously CAPITOL AVE MIXED USE PROJECT PLN2013-00195

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Clifford Nguyen

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