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TALAMORE - WARMINGTON GROUP (PLN2014-00257): 4450 Peralta Blvd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong

Planning Commission approved development on 08/28/14
This property is already a Planned District so these specific plans do not need to go to the City Council for approval.


The Talamore - Warmington Group development proposed by Warmington is located at 4450 Peralta Blvd. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area.

This is the All Ways Automotive lot near intersection of Peralta Blvd. and Dusterberry.

  • There will be 16 single-family units on 1.166 acres.
  • Ten units will be 3-story detached townhouses.
  • Six will be single-family houses in a mixture of 2- and 3-story units.
  • The property is zoned for Multi-family Land Use which allows for lots of less than 4,000 sq. ft.
  • Access will be off Peralta Blvd. on a new private street.
  • This property is already a Planned District so these specific plans only need to be approved by the Planning Commission and do not need to go to the City Council for approval.

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Terry Wong

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