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NILES GATEWAY (PLN2014-00338): 37899 Niles Blvd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage

2019 Major Revision
Nov. 22, 2019: Revised plans submitted for 75 Residential units and no Commercial

The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) Recommended Disapproval

On October 4, 2018, the Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) recommended disapproval of the revised proposal to build 95 residential units and 7,333 square feet of commercial space. The reason stated was that the density (dwelling units per acre) was too high, and this had a negative impact on the visual aesthetics and other factors associated with the proposal.

10/4/18 HARB Agenda

Staff Report

October 2018 Plan


March 2015 Plan


New Project Plans

The Henkel/Schuckl Cannery development proposed by Valley Oak Partners is located at 37899 Niles Blvd. in the Niles Community Plan Area. The owner is now Lennar Homes of California.

This is the former site of Henkel Corp. and the Schuckl Cannery on Niles Blvd. near the railroad underpass at the southeast end of town. Niles Gateway Location

A history of the site can be read in the Tri-City Voice's History: Ames-Victory-Schuckl-Am Chem: Manufacturing in Niles article.

October 2018 Proposal:

  • 95 residential units and 7,333 square feet of non-residential space on 6.07 acres
  • 82 townhouses in the main residential area with a mixture of 2- and 3-story units
  • A "CRAFT Building" with 5,883 square feet of retail/restaurant space and 1,450 square feet of community center space
  • Residential units in the CRAFT Building include 11 "Creative-Retail-Artist-Flex-Tenancy" (CRAFT) units (not live-work), 2 units above the restaurant and 4 townhouses
  • Access to be either off Niles Blvd. at the north end of the property or off the current stub-end of Niles Blvd. that will be converted to a private loop road
  • Parking to be in front of the CRAFT Building and along the sides of the loop road
  • Application to be Reheard

    The project's March 3, 2015 City Council approval was set aside by the courts in July 2018. The application will be reheard all over again but with an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) accompanying the submission documents.

    The Final EIR, the Draft EIR and appendices can be found on the Environmental Review page.

    City Council approved development on 3/3/15

    Note from Cliff Nguyen on 3/23/15:

    RE: Condition B-29. The applicant shall work with Community Development Department to reduce the overall project density and to modify and refine the site plan to provide additional on-site parking.

    "There was a short meeting with the applicant, Doug Rich, to go over the conditions added by the City Council. The applicant is currently revising its plans and we do not have anything new to share. They are looking at several options to refine the plans to add additional parking on-site, which would result in a reduction of one or more units. As you know, the applicant continues to offer to meet with the community so you can message this on your webpage.

    The Fremont City Council approved this project 3 to 2 with added Conditions of Approval.

    "Attachment 3 - Findings and Conditions" - From Cliff Nguyen 3/19/2015

    Conditions of Approval - By Shape Our Fremont - Updated 3/18/2015

    March 3rd City Council Agenda
    with links to documents

    Planning Commission recommended approval with 9 conditions of approval

    1) Restrict the height of the first two rows of townhouses adjacent to 3rd Street to 24 feet.
    2) Provide a safety buffer between the linear park and the railroad.
    3) Eliminate metal siding. [This was first stated as "metallic elements".]
    4) Explore having an EVA gate between the new street and Chase Ct.
    5) Add historical signage of the past industrial uses. [HARB had requested that when reviewing the demolition of the Henkel buildings.]
    6) Build the sound wall before grading begins.
    7) There should be no 2nd-story windows at the ends of the units facing 2nd and 3rd Streets.
    8) Revisit the guest parking in the interior loop section of the development. There are currently only four spaces.
    9) Work with Planning staff to improve circulation. [What "circulation" was not detailed in the wording of the condition.]

    A tenth suggestion was made to make sure the CC&R's for the homeowners retained the condition that garages be used only for parking cars.

    [Note: There was confusion about the exact wording of these conditions - we've done our best to report this correctly.]

    Feb. 12th Planning Commission Agenda

    Special Studies Appendices to the Environmental Review Initial Study
    [Very large and detailed files.]

    H.A.R.B. recommended denial on January 15th

    H.A.R.B. said project did not conform to the Niles Historic Overlay District Guidelines for the following reasons:

    - The density makes the massing too great and the amount of green space too small.
    - There are too many 3-story units and their architecture accentuated their height.
    - There should be less use of metal elements - remove metal wall paneling, decrease the use of steel, change metal roll-up doors on the live/work units.
    - There should be more use of materials from past Niles buildings like the brick used on the bank and Kraft tile.
    - There should be more use of historical architectural elements like the extended roof overhang used by Wurster in the design of the office building for the Schuckl Cannery.

    [Note: There was confusion about the exact wording of these reasons - we've done our best to report this correctly.]

    CEQA Initial Study [3 MB]
    [Traffic considerations are on page 82 of PDF. This report includes development plans and an artist's rendition of architecture.]

    Because the property lies within the Niles Historic Overlay District, the project went before H.A.R.B.

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage

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