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NILES GATEWAY (PLN2014-00338): 37899 Niles Blvd.

Application's Staff Team Lead: David Wage

City Council Approved March 9th
Applicant added a $300K donation to Fremont's future Safe Parking program for homeless.

City Council 3/9/21 Agenda

Planning Commission Denied 07/09/2020

Applicant committed to 3 units at Below Market Rate as the
Moderate Level Affordable Housing requirement.
That is the 3.5% inclusive option versus paying in-lieu fees - It is not more than required.

HARB Recommended Approval*
Latest revision shows 75 residential units and no commercial

March 2020 Plan

The 2015 Project approved by City Council was set aside by the court in 2018

 * The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) Recommended Approval of Latest Revision

Two HARB members were asked to recuse themselves for prior involvement with the plans. The remaining three members voted 2 to 1 to recommend approval.

6/4/2020 HARB Agenda

The Henkel/Schuckl Cannery development proposed by Valley Oak Partners is located at 37899 Niles Blvd. in the Niles Community Plan Area. The owner is now Lennar Homes of California.

This is the former site of Henkel Corp. and the Schuckl Cannery on Niles Blvd. near the railroad underpass at the southeast end of town. Niles Gateway Location

A history of the site can be read in the Tri-City Voice's History: Ames-Victory-Schuckl-Am Chem: Manufacturing in Niles article.

This project will require a General Plan Amendment and rezoning. Parcel currently has a General Plan Land Use Designation of Service Industrial (Special Study Area) and zoning of Service Industrial with Historical Overlay District (IS)(HOD).

  • 75 for-sale, residential units on 6.8 acres
  • Thirteen 2-story townhouse buildings with three to five units each in main section
  • Six 2-story buildings with three flats each on the Alameda Creek side
  • The current stub-end of Niles Blvd. would become a private road connecting to an interior loop road
  • Access to be either off Niles Blvd. at the north end of the property or off the current stub-end of Niles Blvd.
  • Parking to be along the sides of the interior loop road
  • There would be a 6-foot high, see-thru steel fence along the Alameda Creek side
  • Pedestrian walkway through to Chase Ct.
  • Niles Blvd
    Niles Blvd. Traffic Realignment

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: David Wage

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