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Application's City Staff Project Planner: James Willis

Planning Commission approved development on 10/27/16

This section of Fremont Blvd. is designated Commercial even though it is primarily residential. After discussing the situation, the Planning Commission revised the plan to reduce the commercial space by turning the upper floor of the commercial building into a residential flat. They also prohibited retail uses of the commercial space.

The facade of the commercial building in this plan fits the existing Fremont Blvd. streetscape better than the previous Universal Fremont Mixed Use proposal.

No City Council Review Necessary: This application is not a Planned District and will conform to the current zoning. The Planning Commission is the approving body. Only if the Planning Commission decision is appealed would it go before the City Council. See Approval Body section of the Process page.

Planning Commission Agenda



Location Map

The Universal Dragon Mixed Use development proposed by EID Architects, LLC, is located at 38239 Fremont Blvd. It is in the Centerville Community Plan Area. This a 1941 house that is on Fremont Blvd. between Mattos Dr. and Eggars Dr.

Universal Fremont Mixed Use was denied by Planning Commission on 4/28/2016. This is a new application by the same developer.

  • 5 townhouses in a 3-story building and 3,400 s.f. of a residential flat above retail space in a commercial building on 0.53 acres
  • Each townhouse will have a 2-car side-by-side garage and there will be 12 on-site guest parking spaces
  • The garage level of the townhouses is half the depth of the upper levels and the driveway passes underneath the 2nd-floor living space
  • The style of the commercial building is labeled as Craftsman
  • The existing 1941 home was deemed not historic and both houses on the property will be demolished
  • The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: James Willis

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