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Application's City Staff Project Planner: Joel Pullen

Planning Commission approved development on 09/22/2016

Sept. 22nd Planning Commission Agenda

Lot Map

The Warm Springs Lennar Phase I development is located at the south-east corner of Fremont Blvd. and So. Grimmer Blvd. near the future Warm Springs BART station. It is in the South Fremont Community Plan Area.

  • 385 units on 18.42 gross acres - the density was approved in Warm Springs Lennar VTM
  • 132 Style A: 4-story buildings with stacked flats
  • 137 Style B: "Manhattan Style" buildings with most units having a 4th level space in the middle of the building
  • 116 Style C: 3-story townhouse buildings
  • Many units will have tandem garages
  • This is within the Warm Springs BART Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay
  • This is part of the Warm Springs/South Fremont Master Plan
  • No City Council Review Necessary: This application is part of the Warm Springs Lennar VTM and the Planning Commission is the approving body. Only if the Planning Commission decision is appealed would it go before the City Council. See Approval Body section of the Process page.

    The public may view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Joel Pullen

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